
Tune it out with your daily drive


Young Ones 2021 Submission
Team: Taylor Sedlazek, Alyssa Dancel

Team designer

The Run Down

COVID-19 has made many younger Millennials and Gen-Z move back in with their parents. Moving back home can mean giving up the independence they once had while living on their own. Simply stated, life as they know it has drastically changed, and moving back home can be an added stressor in a person’s daily livelihood. Stir-crazy, young professionals that are working from home are missing that time during their commute to listen to their favorite podcasts/music. The creative campaign, Tune it out with Your Daily Drive reminds young adults that they can always turn to their car and their Daily Drive as an escape from home.

Out of home

Hit them where they frequent the most to show them that Spotify has their back in these unprecedented times.


Paid social

Instagram sponsored posts and stories.


Case study video